How Calling Accounts offer free calls

Are Calls Really Free?
Most businesses that offer FREE Calls really mean that the calls are free if one of your buddies has the same app (application), and you are both "on-line" at the same time using the internet with the app open on your phone.- good examples are Skype and Whatsapp. And of course there is free instant messaging.
So if you have an app which uses VOIP, it is possible to make FREE calls. Most VOIP or SIP Calling Accounts now have the option to make FREE calls under the same conditions, and some Calling Accounts offer FREE voice calls to a limited number of destinations - USA for example - even where the Internet is not required for both users. Remember that - unless you are using a 3rd Party Internet Service (wi-fi for example) - there is a cost involved with the provision of the Internet in the first place. And if you pay a monthly plan for your calls, the FREE calls are not so FREE!

How Do Calling Accounts Use the Internet?
The modern Calling Account has been designed to use some or all of the many new features available with the advances in Internet technology over the last 20-30 years.
Most modern VOIP and SIP Calling Accounts can do most of the things that one associates with Skype, What's App, Instant Messenger, Google Voice etc - the main difference being that the Calling Account "voice and data" networks used will carry far less traffic - in other words, there will not be the same volume of users.
The most important requirement for the Calling Account provider is to fully use the power of the Internet by designing and providing free apps (applications) which the user needs to either download and install on his phone or laptop or other device, or to access on-line via browser.
In the UK, traditional fixed telephone lines are being phased out, to be replaced by VOIP telephony.

Which is the best App?
In our opinion, this is not really the question to be asked because each app provides a link to a specific service with different features. Each Calling Account application should be robust (i.e. not needing frequent re-boots) and should reliably deliver the features promoted for the customer to use. Most people will use a number of different applications for daily use - and will use the app most suited for the task. Making international calls and managing your private telephony needs will require a suitable app.

What Apps are Needed?
Mobile apps are the most popular as today's smartphones have sufficient power and memory capability to run the most sophisticated applications. Tablets laptops and desktop computers can also be used with soft-apps or desktop apps where available. And last, but not least, many Calling Accounts offer Browser-based apps which do not need to be downloaded, and are permanently available for use from any smartphone or device by navigating to the Calling Account website or Account Management platform.

How do the Apps Work?
Most of the apps used are designed by engineers - they are just bits of software (coding) - that allow your phone or device to connect to another user or phonenumber using VOIP/SIP. One of the most important features is a dial-pad which allows any unique phonenumber (or international address) to be called or dialled by the user. Many of the Calling Account apps used are also hooked in to e-commerce platform technology, allowing credit or debit transactions to be made directly and instantly to the user's Calling Account Balance

Where are the Apps I need?
To use all the features of a Calling Account, you will need to download or access the speciific App. This information will be available on the Provider's website. For smartphones, Google Playstore covers Android phones and Apple store the iPhone - which accounts for the majority of the market. Some Calling Account providers offer other smartphone apps - for Nokia phones as an example

What are the 9 most important Calling Account Features?
Here is our guide to 9 important features requiring Internet availability. Not all Calling Accounts provide all the features listed.
1. International Calling
2. Sending SMS
3. Personal Number
4. VoiceMail
5. Call Handling
6. Instant Messagiing
7. Video Calls
8. Call Conferencing
9. Call Recording
NB. Some of the information on this site is either exclusively the Author’s opinion or learnt from practical experience. We do not warrant that all the information is 100% correct